Saturday, September 26, 2009


This book was very different than I thought.  I was thinking it was just a fiction story about the war on terrorism, but this is a non-fiction account of 8 western missionaries: Heather Mercer, Dayna Curry, Georg Taubmann, Diana Thomas, Margrit Stebner, Peter Bunch, Katrin Jelinek and Silke Duerrkopf) who worked for SNI (Shelter Now International) being held as hostages in 2001.  This book has been an eye opening reality for me as I lived their accounts, through their story, while being held as prisoners.  I asked myself some serious questions:  in the face of evil, how would I handle myself, would I remain calm in the midst of the nightmare of being held captive, could I show loving compassion for my captors, who can I really trust, and could I forgive as Christ forgives.  So many soul searching questions that you too may be asking yourself as you are reading Kabul24.  It is a journey that you will learn about the culture in Afghanistan, their customs, family life, their religion and also the sadness and emptiness that women, children and diluted men face because of their faithful following of Allah.  As you read you get first hand knowledge of the Taliban.  The injustice of their society and the way of life they live makes me so thankful to be an American, to live in a country where I am free (free in Christ).  "Any foreigner who came to work in Afghanistan knew there was great risk involved with the volatile nature of the political situation - and of those in power - as well as a history of civil war, one knew going in that there was an element of danger and uncertainty" (pg.20).  I couldn't put this book down.  It keep my interest and I was intrigued by the working and awesome power of the Holy Spirit.  This is a great 'history' book, especially for middle school or high school students to get a better understanding the war on terrorism.  Wait until you find out how it all unfolds!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Whatsoever Things Are Lovely by Rhonda Rhea

  soon to come...Quotes from Rhonda Rhea's newest Best Seller!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

FEARLESS by Max Lucado

Max Lucado has done it again in his new book, Fearless. As you read the pages, it is as if Max himself is sitting with you in your living room chatting like old friends. Max Lucado has a style that is comfortable and he gets to "the heart of the matter." We all 'fear' something and for many of us, we fear man things and still for others, fear we think, is part of who we are. Some attempt to give it to the Lord but we seem to take it back from Him.

As I read Fearless, I felt the timing of the release of this book and when I picked it up to read was amazing. We just recognized the anniversary date of 911. We all can recall what we were doing the very moment we found out what was happening in New York, in Washington DC and in that field in Pennsylvania. Fear did grip the hearts and minds of many of us.

Max Lucado shares real life current issues such as: "layoffs at work, slowdowns in the economy, flare ups in the Middle East, turnovers at headquarters, downturns in the housing market, upswing in global warming, breakouts in al Qaeda cells, a strain of Swine Flue crossing the border." These issues ought to be concern for us, but Max Lucado shares comfort through scriptures, real people testimonies, and a heart for sharing Jesus to a world preoccupied with fear.

"What if faith, not fear, was your default reaction to threats?" We are reminded that "fear corrodes our confidence in God's goodness." Lucado also reminds the reader that "fear itself is not a sin, But it can lead to sin" and "fear mismanaged, leads to sin. Sin leads to hiding."

Lucado gives us 8 suggestions to help overcome our tendency to worry or fear. This book if full of practical loving tips to draw us to a more intimate and closer relationship with our Father. Each chapter will beg you for more until you have completed the last page. Fearless even has an awesome Discussion Guide that is designed for personal study and group study. Grab Fearless, pull up a chair and enjoy!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Remember 911

Today, 8 years ago, I believe all of our lives changed. We all have been reflecting on what we were doing that morning...we all remember...we won't forget...Did you ask this question, "Where was God that morning in NYC and DC and Pennsylvania?" I believe Jesus himself was at the foot of the cross lifting up those families, the victims, the children...I believe He was with every single person whose life was taken from them..."I AM" and He is!

I know we don't understand that kind of sin because our minds can't grasp it. We can't grasp that kind of evil...and I praise God for that. Our nation stepped out of the box and for a season, couldn't you feel God all around our country. People weren't afraid to speak His pray in public, to ask for prayer, to be prayed over. It was a beautiful thing. Remember seeing flags everywhere and "God Bless America" everywhere...and now 8 years later, I am afraid that some of us "remember" because it is the anniversary of 911. Am I one of "those people?" I think I am. See, I didn't have a father, or brother or sister or child or best friend whose life was taken that morning. I wasn't on the plane or there on Ground Zero or at the Pentagon or near that field in Pennsylvania. I was at my home in Bloomdale, Ohio getting ready to do an open registration for MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers). My husband, Don, called me about 8:50ish and said "TURN ON THE TV NOW...YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT JUST HAPPENED."

I immediately started calling friends of mine who I knew were at home and the only thing I could say to them was, "turn on the TV and pray." My oldest daughter at the time was 7 and was at school. My 4 year old and 10 1/5 month old and I were finishing up breakfast and getting ready to go to Fort Findlay (an awesome park) to open registration for MOPS.

I remember watching the TV horrified. Praying, crying, praying and crying some more. Driving to the park was a blur and when I got there, many of my team had not heard the news and many of the Moms there also did not know...

In moments of our darkest hour...a glimmer of a light is still shinning...once we recognize it, the Light will overwhelm us...and that my friend is Jesus.

Thank you to ALL the men and women who serve our country. Thank you to ALL the men and women who are first responders (EMS, Fire Fighters, Police). Thank you for your daily sacrifice that I can't even begin to imagine how you do it, but I am so grateful! For my children, I am grateful! God bless each and everyone of you!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


WOW- I just got home from my Care Group. We focused our time on prayer and really what that means...I was so moved! A guy who is a pastor in California shared his experience. Ohhh how I wish it was my encounter, but I will gladly listen and ask for an encounter of my own with my God! This pastor guy (oh, I wish i remembered his name) was reading Revelation 4. Now I have read and re-read revelation many times and honestly, I am such a literal thinker and it really, honestly is hard for me to step outside the box, so for me, reading Revelation is somewhat like reading French. Oh, in high school I took 2 years of it so some of the words are a bit familiar but for the most part, I am sitting there thinking, huh... so I need the Holy Spirit to reveal Himself to me and He uses His Word of course, but sometimes, He uses His people to teach!!! So, this guy was saying He was reading Revelation 4. And John described God sitting on His throne and how God didn't have a body like you and I, rather He was dazzling with radiance, sparkling of diamonds and rubies and flashing with lightening and bright with you see Him? Can you picture in your mind God? WOW...I just want to shout with gladness (but my hubby and girls are in bed) oh, but my heart is bursting! Ok, so we were challenged tonight that when we pray or talk to God that we visualize Him...a REAL person...not just a God all the way in Heaven, but a REAL, the next time you pray...look for Him...pull out a chair because the creator of the universe can't wait to chat with you. He longs to talk.... thank you, Jesus!


I had a weird dream last night. I was interviewing a potential staff member and my teeth were shifting around. I have had weird dreams about me pulling out my own teeth, but what does it all mean? idk! I am thrilled to be reading FEARLESS by Max Lucado. I will be posting a blog in a few days after I complete another masterpiece he has authored!

I just started Beth Moore's newest Bible study, Esther. I am so excited. I will also be posting encouraging scriptures she shares on our journey together as I study God's Word. curious about what the American people thought about President Obama's speech to our children. If you want to check it out, go to You can read it and leave feedback it you choose to.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Good Morning!!!

Well, here I am off on a new adventure! I am hoping to do book reviews (since I love to read) so that is the reason for creating this blog. Please visit often, leave feedback and post any encouraging scriptures that have spoken to you this morning that you are bursting to share! Blessings :-)