Friday, September 18, 2009

FEARLESS by Max Lucado

Max Lucado has done it again in his new book, Fearless. As you read the pages, it is as if Max himself is sitting with you in your living room chatting like old friends. Max Lucado has a style that is comfortable and he gets to "the heart of the matter." We all 'fear' something and for many of us, we fear man things and still for others, fear we think, is part of who we are. Some attempt to give it to the Lord but we seem to take it back from Him.

As I read Fearless, I felt the timing of the release of this book and when I picked it up to read was amazing. We just recognized the anniversary date of 911. We all can recall what we were doing the very moment we found out what was happening in New York, in Washington DC and in that field in Pennsylvania. Fear did grip the hearts and minds of many of us.

Max Lucado shares real life current issues such as: "layoffs at work, slowdowns in the economy, flare ups in the Middle East, turnovers at headquarters, downturns in the housing market, upswing in global warming, breakouts in al Qaeda cells, a strain of Swine Flue crossing the border." These issues ought to be concern for us, but Max Lucado shares comfort through scriptures, real people testimonies, and a heart for sharing Jesus to a world preoccupied with fear.

"What if faith, not fear, was your default reaction to threats?" We are reminded that "fear corrodes our confidence in God's goodness." Lucado also reminds the reader that "fear itself is not a sin, But it can lead to sin" and "fear mismanaged, leads to sin. Sin leads to hiding."

Lucado gives us 8 suggestions to help overcome our tendency to worry or fear. This book if full of practical loving tips to draw us to a more intimate and closer relationship with our Father. Each chapter will beg you for more until you have completed the last page. Fearless even has an awesome Discussion Guide that is designed for personal study and group study. Grab Fearless, pull up a chair and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. One of the blogs I follow has been adding updates as she reads this book too! It is definitely on my next to read list along with Jeremiah Burroughs' book, The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment.

    Thanks for sharing sister! :)
