Friday, September 11, 2009

Remember 911

Today, 8 years ago, I believe all of our lives changed. We all have been reflecting on what we were doing that morning...we all remember...we won't forget...Did you ask this question, "Where was God that morning in NYC and DC and Pennsylvania?" I believe Jesus himself was at the foot of the cross lifting up those families, the victims, the children...I believe He was with every single person whose life was taken from them..."I AM" and He is!

I know we don't understand that kind of sin because our minds can't grasp it. We can't grasp that kind of evil...and I praise God for that. Our nation stepped out of the box and for a season, couldn't you feel God all around our country. People weren't afraid to speak His pray in public, to ask for prayer, to be prayed over. It was a beautiful thing. Remember seeing flags everywhere and "God Bless America" everywhere...and now 8 years later, I am afraid that some of us "remember" because it is the anniversary of 911. Am I one of "those people?" I think I am. See, I didn't have a father, or brother or sister or child or best friend whose life was taken that morning. I wasn't on the plane or there on Ground Zero or at the Pentagon or near that field in Pennsylvania. I was at my home in Bloomdale, Ohio getting ready to do an open registration for MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers). My husband, Don, called me about 8:50ish and said "TURN ON THE TV NOW...YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT JUST HAPPENED."

I immediately started calling friends of mine who I knew were at home and the only thing I could say to them was, "turn on the TV and pray." My oldest daughter at the time was 7 and was at school. My 4 year old and 10 1/5 month old and I were finishing up breakfast and getting ready to go to Fort Findlay (an awesome park) to open registration for MOPS.

I remember watching the TV horrified. Praying, crying, praying and crying some more. Driving to the park was a blur and when I got there, many of my team had not heard the news and many of the Moms there also did not know...

In moments of our darkest hour...a glimmer of a light is still shinning...once we recognize it, the Light will overwhelm us...and that my friend is Jesus.

Thank you to ALL the men and women who serve our country. Thank you to ALL the men and women who are first responders (EMS, Fire Fighters, Police). Thank you for your daily sacrifice that I can't even begin to imagine how you do it, but I am so grateful! For my children, I am grateful! God bless each and everyone of you!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah - I was getting ready for Mops reg @ Fort Findlay that morning as well... Was so hard to leave the house, but I knew it wasn't doing me or anyone else any good watching EVERY second of coverage. What a tragic day, but you're right! We have all changed because of it! Thanks for posting this reminder.
